Published: November 22, 2019

Terni: 37 ILSERV´s current workers will be hired to Tapojärvi in February 2020

The economic terms of agreement are reached between the Tapojärvi management and FIM, FIOM, UILM, FISMIC and USB local secretariats.

The details

Tapojärvi has undertaken to hire 37 of the 42 current ILSERV workers. The remaining five will continue to work in ILSERV. On February 13th the formal transfer from one company to another should take place.

The comment
The trade unions commented in a note :

“In all the assemblies held, the aspects of occupational protection and the maintenance of the economic levels reached in the agreement, were highlighted in a very positive way. The workers have indicated some perplexities regarding the total number of the workforce, and consequently the repercussions that could be on the future organization of the work.“

Positive comments arrived also from the Finnish Management, Janne Alatalo (CAO of Tapojarvi concern):

“I am sure that any doubts can be dispelled, when the workers start working in the Tapojarvi organization.”